“Campo del Cielo” by Mikha-ez

samesame had the privilege to host the Spanish artist Mikha-ez. During his time in Lisbon, he developed his recent work, “Campo del Cielo”.

This work is based on the transformation process of a meteorite to a rug, by the hands of Mikha-ez. The rug offers the body of the meteorite, and its texture, as a place for rest, dialogue or reflection. It invites one to lie down, to sit, to walk and to feel through the touch of the hands and feet the interwoven fibres of the rug’s cotton, which is actually the body of the meteorite. A texture that contrasts with the cold and hard body of an extra-terrestrial rock. It is, in short, a matter of making that territory liveable, that was once an asteroid and now abbreviates in a meteorite of the size of a hand.


Mikha-ez’s short biography:
Bachelor’s Degree in fine arts by the University of Fine Arts of the University of Salamanca (2009-2014)
Master’s Degree in History of Art and Visual Culture from the University Autónoma in Madrid and the National
Museum Centro de Art Reina Sofia (2014-2015)
PhD from the University of Salamanca (2015-2020)
– Currently is an
Artist and Researcher at the University of Salamanca

To know more about the artist, please check his website here.

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